Is Skateboarding Like Snowboarding

The answer is” YES” Depending on what kind of Skateboarding you’re Talking About.

Snowboarding and Skateboarding are Marginally the same,
A skate park and a snowboard park have a lot of similarities like rails and slides,
The basic steering fundamentals are the same, toe and heel weight transfer on your back foot,
A stylish Helmet, relentless, can’t keep me down attitude.

Really there is not much more than that slides and rails are much easier to commit to in snowboarding, I have never seen anyone kickflip a snowboard, and I believe it is physically impossible to Popsicle a snowboard.

Feet are wider weight is forward, and you carve to steer on a snowboard. Lean forward on a skateboard, you’ll catch a pebble and scorpion your friends will act the same pointing and laughing.

That being said, learning to do one or the other after mastering one will be easier. Confidence and the willingness to take a dump and brush it off is a trait of both sports.

Now Your Wandering Why I said that Skateboarding is like snowboarding

If you would like to mix the two, Downhill longboarding meets downhill snowboarding, and you want to throw some rails in as well check out FreeBord. NOT Free Board Strap in And Check This out.

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